Book Pre-Launch

1st Jan 2024

This Book Is Dedicated To All Working Women

Who is it for? Woman who...

      About Author

Anvay Prabhulkar,

Passionpreneur Coach

Anvay Prabhulkar is a chemistry graduate turned Passionpreneur Coach for Working Women and he is the Founder and CEO of the " Independent Women's Hub." He is on a mission to help 100,000 Working women monetize their knowledge and passion to achieve their financial goals to become Independent Women and live a life on their terms.

Payment Modes


Gpay, Paytm, Phone-pe on number 9594804546


How do I pre-order this ebook ?

Follow the instructions from the video. Click on the "Order eBook Now" and complete the payment.

When do I get my ebook ?

The ebook will be launched on 31st January 2024 and you will get the ebook on same day.

Can I buy it on launch day ?

Certainly. You can buy your ebook copy on launch day i.e. 31st Jan 2024. It will be great if you pre-order your ebook copy before it get sold out with the offer price. 

When can I expect the hard copy ?

Soon after the ebook launch you may expect the hard copy (paperback) in a month or less.