Be at the Forefront of AI Ethics and make a Global Impact !

Join our community and get access to the 'AI4HumanDignity Blueprint' course , biweekly webinar, and an exclusive 121 clarity session to help you navigate the ethical challenges posed by AI.  

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What you are going to learn?

Navigate the Challenges of AI

Explore the importance of Ethics in the AI Landscape, understand its impact on Society, and get equipped with the knowledge and tools to make informed ethical decisions.

Privacy and Data Ethics

Understand the ethical implications of data collection and usage.

Fairness and Bias

Learn about the challenges of biased Algorithms, the concept of fairness, and methods to mitigate bias in AI systems

Who is this workshop for?

Business Leaders and Mangers
Executives, managers, and business leaders who oversee AI projects or are considering integrating AI into their operation. 
Policy and Legal Professionals
Policymakers, regulators, and legal experts play a crucial role in shaping AI governance, regulations, and laws that address ethical issues and protect human rights.
Ethicists and Philosophers
Professionals specializing in ethics and philosophy can contribute valuable insights to discussions about moral implications of AI.
AI Developers and Engineers
Those involved in designing, developing, and implementing AI systems should have a deep understanding of the ethical implications of their work to ensure their creations align with human values and societal norms.
Students and Enthusiasts
Anyone interested in AI and its impact on society can benefit from learning about AI Ethics.


Course Access

Dive into comprehensive curriculum that covers fairness, transparency, privacy, and more, ensuring you understand the ethical complexities of AI. Learn about challenges of biased Algorithms, the concept of fairness, and methods to mitigate bias in AI systems


Community Suppport

Connect with a global network of AI ethics professionals, thought leaders and industry experts. Engage in stimulating discussions, and join a thriving community of like-minded learners, AI enthusiasts, and professionals, where you can: share ideas, discuss real-world challenges, and collaborate on ethical AI initiatives.


121 Clarity Session

Get Personalized guidance to address your questions and delve deeper into AI ethics topics that matter most to you.


Weekly Webinars

Engage in thought provoking discussions and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in AI ethics through our insightful and interactive webinars.


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Meet Your Mentor→ (Creators) Intro

Rupa Singh

Author of 'AI Ethics with Buddhist Perspective'
Founder of AI-Beehive

Hi, My name is Rupa Singh and I am founder of AI-Beehive. I am also the author of the book 'AI Ethics with Buddhist Perspective' and recognized as top 20 Global AI ethics leader. I have trained more than 5000 students and professionals in the field AI and AI ethics.